A Men-Only Movement Experience

Men! I’m inviting you to move with me to music. In an online community. (Which to me feels like the only safe way right now … )

Why do this? Well, for starters, for enjoyment, exercise, connection, tension release, increased neuroplasticity, circulation of life force energy, motivation, inspiration, an opportunity to hear new music … feel free to add your own benefits to this list.

Here is my vision, still taking shape.

*A safe space. When we meet for a movement experience via Zoom, we’re typically at home. We can close the door, control the light level and the sound volume, and gather our comfort items and props. Your kitchen and bathroom are nearby.

*Privacy. If this is an unfamiliar or raw experience for you, there are options for privacy. You can change your name on the Zoom screen. You can darken your space. You can turn off your camera or stay out of range. You can leave early.

*Guidance. I’ll be your guide. I’ll hold the space lightly, yet respectfully. While never telling you what to do, I will embody a practice that may enhance your experience.

*Freedom of movement. Anything goes. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LOOK AT THE SCREEN OR FOLLOW ANY CHOREOGRAPHY OR LISTEN FOR ANY CUES. This is each person’s individual experience. We do the practice alone, together. You can stand and sway, or you can dance your heart out. You can do yoga or you can practice martial arts moves. You can sit still. You can roll around on the floor. Again, anything goes.

*Freedom of expression. You will be muted after the initial greeting and (optional) check-in. If you want to bang drums, sing loud, growl, laugh, or cry … go right ahead.

*A model. I will stay on-screen, in case you would like movement inspiration or if you would like to witness how music moves through my particular body. As I have been leading movement events for nearly three decades, I am accustomed to — and enjoy — being witnessed in my experience.

*Inspiring music. You can listen to my current playlists on my Spotify page. I also LOVE to receive song suggestions from participants. I welcome yours …

*Community. Over the 18 months I’ve been leading movement experiences online, our nearly-all-women group has evolved into a sweet community that consciously embodies the concept of being alone, together. Members are invited to engage to the degree they feel comfortable, and no more. While our experience may have an emotional content, this is not group therapy. We’re just here to learn and grow in mutual support. I think a community of men might evolve somewhat similarly. Or it may be entirely different. Either way is fine with me. I just want to share the medicine and the joy.

So … If you’re interested, contact me and we’ll talk about days and times that will work for you. I hope to hold the first event in early January..

BTW, it’s free. Or by donation, if you prefer. (All donations go here.)

PS If you know another man who might benefit from this experience, please pass this invitation along to him. Thank you!