Solstice Possibilities: My Fantasy of Safely Hosting Three People During COVID19


I’m longing to invite people here for a Summer Solstice ceremony. Looking up current rules on to see what’s currently allowed. Doubtful that freestyle dance or solstice event would qualify as “covered service.” There will be an update soon. Maybe inviting folks here for June 20 ceremony will sound more feasible under the new guidelines.  

Meanwhile, I am enjoying imagining three people here plus me—a person for each corner of the space—welcoming summer with our movement, witnessing each other with loving appreciation, sitting in stillness, noticing our thoughts, feeling our emotions, releasing what no longer serves, inviting inspiration, setting intentions, praying … all the elements that make the still.being.moved practice so meaningful.

Assuming it’s allowed (which I understand is a stretch), how can this work? I’ve been imagining the parameters within which I will feel safe. As Howie and I are well over 65, I’m focusing on the details of my preparation.

  • Determine who is coming to the event and have participants choose their corner in advance.

  • Clean and disinfect the floors and the guest bathroom before and after the event. 

  • List the (freshly cleaned) props for folks to bring: a yoga mat, a cushion or pillow, a scarf or mask, water, maybe a packet of tissues. 

  • Establish and communicate entry and exit procedures in advance of the event. This will involve clean clothing and hand sanitizer and shoes left in the entry hall.

  • Once we’re settled in our own corner space, determine the boundary of the space to assure safe distancing from one another and agree to stay within that boundary. No singing.

Now I imagine starting the playlist, lying down on my mat in the soft light, relaxing as I listen to the music, allowing my body to be seduced by the sound, slowly beginning to move … ah yes. This is how I would like to welcome the summer.

Kathryn Thomas