Hello Friend ~

Join me for a playful and informative ten-week series on money, sexuality, and relationship viewed through the lens of the enneagram exclusively for men.

Be held and stretched in a powerful virtual container of ten men ready to learn and practice.

We begin in Spring 2025 and continue for ten weeks, adjusting for holidays when needed.

Our meeting day and time will be determined by the men who participate. We’ll decide together.

Interested? Contact me and we’ll discuss what works best for you.


This series is for you if …

… you’ve heard about the benefits of the enneagram and you feel ready to learn more

… you’d like to gain practical knowledge and wisdom in the venues described below

… you’d enjoy participating in a supportive online community of men  

… you’re ready for a life-altering experience facilitated by a knowledgeable, experienced leader

… you’re available this fall for ten weeks of 90-minute meetings on Tuesdays starting 11/5

… you can afford the cost: $369 USD/$498 CAD/$7060 MXN


Unfamiliar with the enneagram?

The enneagram — a transformative self-inquiry tool — incorporates ages-old wisdom into modern usage. This introduction and summary provide text, audio, and film clip options for learning about it. Pick your favorites and enjoy!

A powerful adjunct tool we will explore is Tara Brach’s RAIN of Compassion, which pairs nicely with the awareness gained from enneagram inquiry.


Who I Am and What I Bring

Kathryn Thomas, Ph.D. (Education, 1996)

When my sister introduced me to the enneagram in the mid-90s, my life changed forever in ways still unfolding.

Examples: Navigating an unavoidable divorce without blame or rancor while maintaining bonds of love and trust with my stepchildren. Recognizing and shifting unconscious, habitual behavior patterns that led to said divorce. Moving beyond the confines of ego defense and developing my unique gifts. Learning to witness myself compassionately and to love myself unconditionally.

I’ve studied with many teachers — most notably, Beatrice Chestnut, Uranio Paes, and Russ Hudson. I’ve been coaching people using the enneagram since 2020. For those who are interested, I offer pre-series enneagram typing interviews and post-series coaching.


What You Can Expect

An experience designed for you

After you sign up for the series and before we begin, we’ll have a private Zoom call to determine your type — or to get as close as we can.

During sessions, I’ll teach, then we’ll talk. You will also be invited to text or email me with your wonderings and insights between sessions.

The flow and content of each session will reflect the types and preferences of the men participating, as well as the questions that arise from one session to the next. I’ll track your interests and needs and design the emphasis for the next session accordingly.

Precise content

During the first two sessions in the series, we will define, compare, and contrast the enneagram types and the instinctual motivations — self-preservation, sexual, and social. Sessions three and four will focus on money, five and six on sexuality, and seven and eight on relationship.

Practice in self-awareness + compassion

The remaining two sessions will highlight personal growth opportunities available through understanding the dynamic nature of the enneagram model and how to apply this to our daily lives. Fundamental to this application are the cultivation of (1) a self-awareness or “witness” capacity and (2) a self-compassion practice. We will work with both.

Tools for continuing your growth

Your takeaway at the end of the ten weeks will be enhanced understanding of who you are — in essence — beyond the ego’s traps of emotional passion and mental fixation. You will be several steps closer to freedom, with useful tools and resources to continue on your path forward.

Bonus: Any work you decide to do with me in the future — individual or couples coaching, online study groups, working with plant medicine — will be available for a 40% discount through 2025.



default patterns that limit your financial decision-making options — and how to shift them

Some of us are strongly motivated towards earning and having enough for the future, whereas others value generosity towards others or using money for enjoyable experiences. Some have an inner critic that constantly berates us for money mistakes while others almost never think about money, let alone save it. Some are extravagant and others are practical. Some make high-risk investments and others put their money in treasury bills.

Rather than viewing a particular approach to financial decision-making as right or wrong, our aim here is to illuminate, examine, and become curious about the relationship our type has with money.

When we develop self-awareness around our habitual financial behaviors, we can begin to make conscious choices instead of defaulting into reactions driven by mental fixation or emotional passion — that is, we can shift towards clarity rather than staying in our well worn ruts ...


default patterns that limit your options for pleasure and intimacy — and how to shift them

Which do you find most satisfying, partner sex or solo sex? In partner sex, are you more motivated by your own pleasure response or your partner’s? Do you consider yourself assertive or more receptive? Do you prefer monogamy or multiple partners? What turns you on? How much of the time do you think about sex? How much sex do you need?

What brings you more into authentic contact with your sexuality — that is, what jump-starts your desire? Is it fantasy, visual image, proximity, touch, romance, meaningfulness, or some other modality? Where is porn in this mix? Kink?

As with money, we tend to fall into default patterns around sexuality that can be predicted by our type. By highlighting each type’s sexual preferences in their relationship with self and others, we can discover new ways to experience this life-enhancing facet of our nature.

Whatever you bring to our rich and deep conversation is welcome and valued.



default patterns that limit your trust and communication — and how to shift them

While most of us agree in principle about values that matter in a relationship — clear communication, honoring one another’s needs, mutual respect, and trust, for example — our ways of implementing those values inside a relationship may not match. Such mismatch can lead to conflict.

Maybe you prize authenticity and directness, whereas your partner’s desire for diplomacy — harmony at all costs, it seems — often frustrates you. Your energy is big and sometimes intense during conflict; their response is to go quiet and to seemingly disappear. You like to be on time or even early, while their approach to punctuality is infuriatingly casual.

Or perhaps your partner is a stickler for the rules and you believe rules are made to be broken. Your partner respects authority while you rebel against anything that feels like control. They like to stay close and you sometimes feel a need for more space. You love to travel and they’d rather stay home and read about other places.

Who’s right? Who’s wrong?

Neither person. It’s just personality doing its thing — shaping the box we’re in.

What I love most about the enneagram is that it can help us understand the particular shape of our box and how to dismantle it. With compassion.

When we start cultivating compassion for ourself — and for our partner, when we understand the box they’re in — the possibilities expand for clear communication, honoring of one another’s needs, mutual respect, and trust.

Then everything gets easier. And way more fun.


So, what if …

… you miss a session? 

I’ll record the teaching portion of each session and make recordings available within 24 hours, so you will be able to catch up with the content before the next session. (To ensure your privacy, recording can be paused at any point.)

… you have to drop out before the series ends? 

You’ll be invited to step back into the series where you left off next time it’s offered. Or you can repeat the entire series for half price.

… you have questions or concerns that aren’t addressed in a session?

Each participant is invited to a free one-hour private session — or two half-hour sessions — during the course of the series. Additional private sessions are available at my enneagram coaching rate of $120/hour.


Kind Words for Kathryn

Kathryn’s experiences are a lift for my spirit. She holds a beautiful space — a judgement-free zone where I can be myself ...
— J.B.
Kathryn has superpowers of empathy, leading to an ethereal but balanced wisdom. She has served as mentor to many through her deep study of the enneagram. In my view, she is the perfect guide, embodying experience, knowledge, and good judgment.
— H.S.
I encourage people to try this experience because it feels safe, natural, and authentic. There is no comparison, competition, or judgment — it’s open and supportive.
— L.K.
When I show up in our community, I’m reminded how much more alike we are as human beings than we are different. Afterward, I notice a real connection to my body and a lift in my spirit.
— B.E.

Ready to join?

Note: The above button will take you to my PayPal account page. There you can enter the amount you are paying and click send.



Contact me at kathryn@wellwisestrong.com.

I would LOVE to talk with you about how this series might benefit YOU.

Maybe the journey isn’t about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t really you, so that you can be who you were meant to be in the first place. ~ Paulo Coelho