Christina Update #9: Landing in NH

Well, I’m back in NH staying with my parents in the country.


It’s been two weeks now. Definitely an adjustment but nice to see family and my best friend. I’m glad I came for spring to watch NH come back alive after a long harsh winter. Seeing the flowers all popping up and green grass. I’m still trying to settle in and figure out some sort of schedule besides just doctors’ appointments. I’ll be getting another MRI done of my head and bloodwork since I have some weird new symptoms. Usually nothing shows up, which is good, but also frustrating as they don’t give any answers. 


I miss my little apartment in MX and my friends, and the daily walk to see the amazing sunsets. The slow-paced life with small daily interactions with the locals ... lots of holas and smiles. Really missing human connections and feeling pretty alone here. That itself is a big adjustment ... but that’s just life. Can’t have it all. 


While I’m here, I may get one knee done, as both need partials, but I’m not sure, as it will take a lot of time to heal. I don’t know …  

Having EDS and other chronic illnesses, it’s very hard to not try to plan ahead, and just go with the flow. Just for a simple invite, I have to figure out how my body will handle it and if I can even do it. Will there be seating? How many hours? As well as prepare for the backlash of doing things and making sure I have at least three days to recover afterwards. 

Just unsure about everything, it seems. I don’t know what the future holds for me, health-wise, or where I’m going to live or how I’m going to survive. That all gives me major anxiety and lots of panic attacks but I just try to make it one day at a time. 

I really want to again thank you all for your continued support and care. It really means a lot to me and is a huge blessing I’m very grateful for. I send all of you my love and I wish you all the best.


Lots of love, Christina.