Vystavka Proizvedenii Khudoshnikov Gruppy "Bubnovi Valet." Exhibition Catalogue, 1927.

Vystavka Proizvedenii Khudoshnikov Gruppy "Bubnovi Valet." Exhibition Catalogue, 1927.Exhibition of works by artists from the group "Knave of Diamonds."

Vystavka Proizvedenii Khudoshnikov Gruppy "Bubnovi Valet." Exhibition Catalogue, 1927.

Exhibition of works by artists from the group "Knave of Diamonds."


Vystavka Proizvedenii Khudoshnikov Gruppy "Bubnovi Valet." Exhibition Catalogue, 1927.

Exhibition of works by artists from the group "Knave of Diamonds." Moscow, Tretyakovskaya Galereya, 1927, Paper wrappers.

In 1927, the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow organized the retrospective exhibition "Jack of Diamonds," in which was shown 72 works of 8 artists — founders and the leading masters of the Society: N. GoncharovaP. P. KonchalovskyA. V. KuprinM. F. LarionovA. V. LentulovMashkovV. V. RozhdestvenskyR. Falk.

Wrappers in fair condition (see illustration) with paper loss. Interior good condition. Fragile and rare. Inquire for price.