“If you would seek health, look first to the spine,” advised Socrates. More recently, dancer Martha Graham said, “The spine is the tree of life. Respect it.”
In this slow-paced, gentle playshop, we practice and explore safe movement in our spine. We begin with a teaching: three motions from yoga, each done in two directions, and each presented with options for sitting, standing, and reclining.
Next comes a 20-minute playlist, when we can continue to play with spinal movement, alternating with stillness and witness, as we choose. We conclude with brief optional sharing.
If you enjoy journaling or making art — potent forms of witnessing oneself — consider bringing the items you’ll need. Dress comfortably and bring your water or tea. Ensure safety and privacy in your space. Your only real role is to relax, receive, and allow your unique responses to arise.
Ready? Let’s do this.
Questions? Ask.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5368433199
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YrEi3CbN3lELCpAa8WRak?si=b7e6fd319e144754