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Medicine Moves: Spine in Six Directions

In this slow-paced, gentle playshop, we practice safe movement in our spine and explore how music can inspire this movement into something … else. Something resembling a dance, possibly. Or not.

My hope is that your body will decide, based on your sensation of comfort and pleasure.

We begin with a teaching: three motions from yoga, each done in two directions, and each presented with options for sitting, standing, all fours, kneeling, and reclining. If you prefer not to sit on the floor, it might be helpful for you to have a chair, cushion, or ball to sit on. A mat or rug would be good for reclined exploration.

Next comes a 20-minute playlist, when we can continue to play with spinal movement, alternating with stillness and witness, as our bodies choose.

We conclude with brief optional sharing.

Contact Kathryn with questions:  

Zoom link:
