We’ll start wherever we are.
Already, there are movements your body knows and feels safe doing.
Maybe you dance, practice yoga or Pilates or Nia, engage in martial arts or Five Rhythms. Maybe you’ve done Jazzercise, hoop dance, or other aerobic workouts to music. Breathwork. Rowing. Weight lifting. Barre. Maybe you enjoy walking. We can start there …
Maybe you have yet to discover the movement forms your body feels happy and safe with.
Perfect either way.
In this playshop, we will begin by taking a brief inventory of movement forms that some or all of you may find familiar. Maybe some of you will know child pose, from yoga.
Next, I will model -- and invite you to witness or to try on – a possibility or two for finding freedom within the structure presented by the movement form.
Let’s use child pose as an example. First, we recognize that, although it traditionally is performed face-down, we can also assume the form lying on our back, face-up. For some of us, this feels better. From here, we can bring in movement—a gentle rocking, perhaps. Or something that feels more like a sway. Or a full-body squeeze and release. Or maybe our body has a suggestion here …
After a bit of experimentation with movement within familiar structures, the music begins: 23 minutes of tunes, chosen for their variety in tempo and energy.
While the music plays, we have the option of experimenting with forms and freedom, witnessing others on the screen (that is, others who choose to be on-camera), or sitting still – flowing in and out of these options as we choose.
We conclude with brief optional sharing.
If you enjoy journaling or making art — potent forms of witnessing oneself — consider bringing the items you’ll need. Dress comfortably and bring your water or tea. Ensure safety and privacy in your space. Your only real role is to relax, receive, and allow your unique responses to arise.
Contact Kathryn with questions:
Zoom link:
Playlist (in case you’d like to hear the music in advance):