Medicine Moves: Base and Beat

Where is our base? That depends. Sometimes it’s our two feet. Other times, it can be hands and knees. Our back body — as in lying down. Our buttocks and thighs — as in sitting. So many options …

In this playshop, we begin by embodying a variety of bases, so we’ll have several to choose from when the music starts. During the 21-minute playlist, everyone is free to choose a base to begin and then to allow the song’s beat to move us from there.

When we feel curious, we can change to a new base to see how the beat comes through now. When the next song — with its new beat — comes along, which base will we choose to play with? The choice is always ours.

As you may have guessed, there is no right or wrong base, nor is there a right or wrong way to respond to a beat. We play with options, mixing and matching, perhaps copying what others on the screen are doing: How will this movement feel in my body? How can I change it to make it mine?

If you enjoy using props such as pillows, balls, scarves, or bands, bring them. Dress comfortably and bring your water or tea and your mat or rug. Ensure safety and privacy in your space. Your only real role is to relax, receive, and allow your unique responses to arise.

When the music ends, whoever wants to may share briefly about their experience.

Contact Kathryn with questions:  

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EmbodimentKathryn Thomas